Monday, September 7, 2009

Purple Rain~

Purple rain, puuuuuuurple rain~

Hello there guys. Today I will present to you one of my characters. I have this thing going, where I have my main (iBleach) with a huge wardrobe of clothes and dress 'n' pamper her up as I please, whenever I want, and I have my alt characters, which end up staying in the same dumb outfit for all eternity.

First off, instead of presenting my main character, I will present my very first: Bleachman
This guy was my very first and helped me throughout the many paths to discovering the game. When I originally started I wanted to play a gunner soooo badly. Gunners have not been present as such in other games I have played, so I was in the mood for something new.

Over time he developed into a support gunner, with supportive/curative and enhancing skills to top off with some nifty pew pewing (I loved my Crossfire). Eventually, as time passed, I ditched the gunner facade and brought out the true enhancer in him.

It was a pain in the ass to get him up to class 5 enhancement back in the day (as we had to do it with class 5 bless). I dare say he was one of the first class 5 enhancers out there before the large update actually made enhancers more useful.

I used to have a nifty outfit for this guy, he was dressed in greens and blues topped with some blacks and whites. Used the Setanta scarf (while it was still rare...) and some other good looking items to round off a nice look. The only eye stabber was the Clown Mace, which he uses yet today (r.).

Recently we have been given Acadamy sets in the fortune cards and one of these caught my eye. The purple male one. Not to mention that it is perfect for enhancers, it is also rather dashing. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw it was Prince. I can well imagine our royal musician would dare wear such a top garment in modern days. It has class, style and the extra bit that makes it look unique. 'Purple Rain' is a song sung and performed by Prince and well, add it all up yourself how I got to this name. :)

I went for this kind of a 'badass' student look some kids might find appealing. The school outfit + the headphones pretty much offer the base for this look. Add the playful and young looking wings and the dashing and totally 'cool' neckband, we have some high school badass.

I purposely let out the yellow and gold tones as it is only to accentuate the outfit and not contrast within it. Instead I supplied more blacks and whites to offer contrast and let the purple stay as the main foundation for it.

At the moment I have Feathers of Purity on him (the white crescent shaped lines in some pics) and plan to substitue them with Petals of Purity. With this and the snowflake emblem on the front of his blazer, I plan to achieve a 'wintery' glow to the entire outfit.

The Clown Mace is still rather out of picture here, as it jumps into your eye with its bright pink. However, I do think it blends better now as the pink and purple compliment eachother more than pink and green/blue.

That pretty much sums up his nifty outfit. I am kind of glad how far he has developed as a character throughout time. Even if he is now my second choice, he is and will ever remain one of my all time favorite characters in Megaten.


  1. Ouch. Many chars o.o~
    Cute cute cute *-*~
    :3 Look beauty too
    Kisses Honey

  2. 1~I thought I was your fav character in Megaten o.o
    2~He does look like a Bad Boy ^_~

    I do like the look thou~even the gloves have their own "I dont follow the rules" look to them <3
